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Greywood Colonials

Western Fur Trade
The Texas
Association of

Comanche Peak

Hanta Yowin

Ranger Springs

Women of the
Fur Trade

Texas Rev
Republic of Texas
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Texian Legacy

Texas War of
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The 7th US Infantry
Living History
Texas Clubs List
In Memoriam
Yipper T. Haywire
Don Ogg
Hanta Yowin
The Hanta Yowin creed, stated on the websites, is:
"We who have chosen to join Hanta Yowin understand that the life of the pre-1840 women revolved around survival. Alone, she could feed herself, clothe herself, and shelter herself from the natural elements. Although honing our skills in primitive survival is a primary function of Hanta Yowin, there are many other aspects of the pre-1840 woman's life that we want to teach and learn. These include her ability in artistic crafts such as beadwork, quillwork, weaving, ETC. The Hanta Yowin Society is a group of women committed to learning these skills. It is a sisterhood that gives a sense of awareness, growth, and independence. The society is for sharing laughter and tears, and giving support to others; stressing trust, patience, and honor."
We have a couple of different chapters in Texas, and have several women-only Rendezvous a year, with some type of class on a primitive skill at each one - everything from shooting muzzleloaders to skinning a deer to beadwork and tatting - you know, girl stuff! There are different skill levels and requirements in this group as well. Guests who are interested in joining Hanta Yowin are welcome by invitation at our 'voos (sorry, no guys allowed), just contact any of the members for more info on joining if any of you ladies are interested.
"We have learned brain tanning, blacksmithing, silversmithing, firearms (shooting, care of, and minor repairs), scrimshaw, leatherwork, tracking, trapping, etc, etc. If it is a skill done during the fur trade era, we have probably had at least one class on it in the last 20 years, and have at least one member who is well versed in that skill.
But even more important than the skills is the love and support we give to one another. It is so much more than was imagined when we created this group."
- Jan "Ladyhawk" Kitlinger, National President, Hanta Yowin
More Information
Public List: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HantaYowinRendezvousWomen/
Members Only List: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HantaYowin/
Anyone is welcome to join the public list, we'd love to share primitive skills and 'voo info and learn from you as well, and it will give us a chance to get to know one another better.
There is also an old website out there that Cat (Paulette Srubar) put together years ago for Hanta Yowin, here: http://hometown.aol.com/skinnerkat/HantaYowin.html
Contact Information
National President, - Jan "Ladyhawk" Kitlinger
Morning Star Chapter President - Valerie Flinn
North Star Chapter Contact - Brenda Green
"Being a member of both WFT and Hanta Yowin has enriched my life tremendously, from both the supportive aspect of a sisterhood and the wealth of practical knowledge on primitive skills that I have gained from each of the groups. I would strongly encourage any of you ladies who love personal growth and the challenge of learning to meet nature on her own terms, to join either or both of these groups. They are both enriching and empowering, and a gift beyond price."
- Patsy Harper
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