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Greywood Colonials

Western Fur Trade
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In Memoriam
Yipper T. Haywire
Don Ogg
Greywood Colonials
Thank you for inquiring about Greywood Colonials.
The club was established in October of 2001 with the purpose of providing a site and venue for people interested in portraying the American colonial period (1650 -1783). We are NOT primarily a militia or military re-enactment group, although personas of that type are appropriate. Most of our members portray civilians in various roles they have developed. Members gather to discuss all things colonial, live the camp life and hone the skills and crafts of those times. We are not 100% accurate in our portrayals but we aspire to that standard. Some of the members are simultaneously active in other time period portrayals such as the buckskinning/mountain man era (1700-1840), Texas Revolution (1835-1836), and the American civil war (1861-1864).
The American Colonial period covers a long time frame and many pivotal events. This club encourages members to explore all aspects of our colonial heritage: British, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Jewish, and so on. Some men portray long hunters (Daniel Boone types) others are trades people and merchants. Some women are following their husbands on the "frontier," keeping the lodge, cooking and socializing with others in the same situation.

A few of the Greywood Colonials, photo by Cliff Manis
We have activities to entertain and challenge members. We strive to have one camp weekend during each month beginning in October and continuing through April. While at camp all members (including children with adult supervision) can compete in tomahawk and knife throwing, archery, black powder shoots, and fire starting. Occasionally we have guest speakers converse with us on such things as Dutch oven cooking, lucette cord making, pine needle basket weaving, tracking animals, primitive fishing, and soap making, to name a few topics of interest. If you have a specialty interest and want to share your information, you are encouraged to do so.
During the off-camp season, we calendar at least one social to keep in touch, conduct club business, and if available, schedule guest speakers. This is usually on a Saturday. We have a work weekend to prepare the camp site for the camp season: cutting firewood, repairing the facilities, mowing, etc. We also have a lending library for members use.
In February each year the club hosts an event called the February Frolic. The Frolic is open to anyone wishing to participate. While club members retain their colonial personas and camps, we may also have Buckskinners join us. This event is primitive in nature, so all gear, clothing and accouterments must be at least pre-1840.
Newcomers are welcome to participate with us. We do have minimal clothing requirements and if the newcomer does not have appropriate gear or clothing, we may be able to help out with loaner items. Just ask if you need something and we will see what can be done.
Membership is open at $20.00 per year per family living at the same address. Membership entitles you participation in all club events, receipt of the membership contact list and monthly newsletter, voting rights in club business activities, and ability to hold offices in the club.
If you need further information, please feel free to contact me at the address below. We hope you will come visit us soon.

Andrea "Blushing Ankle" Raum, photo by Cliff Manis
Contact Information
Andrea Raum, President
719 Anderson CR 458
Palestine TX 75803
(903) 549-2071
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