Women in the Fur Trade
Women of the Fur Trade -
This group of ladies are as good as it gets in terms of their skills, clothing, wilderness skills, and attitude. They camp and jaunt in the best and worst of weather and mountain conditions, and literally are as hard-core as the best of the AMM. One of our Texas/Oklahoma AMM Brothers, Cliff Tiffie, and his wife, Melissa, have recently moved to Montana, and Melissa is a member of the women's group. She just trapped her second beaver, and is making a brain tan dress that puts anything I have seen outside of this group, to shame.
Women in the fur trade in Canada
Directed at re-enactors with good history:
18cWoman, one of the Yahoo groups - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/18cWoman/
The links page at 18cWoman has a LOT of good resources, including art and costuming databases-- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/18cWoman/links
http://18cNewEnglandLife.org is especially good, but of course New England. I would imagine plenty of people got to TX via New England, so it may be helpful.
1812Civilian list, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/1812Civilian/ They mostly talk about women's stuff there, but not entirely (not entirely on 18cWoman, either.)
And also take a look at Mara Riley's site. http://www.marariley.net
Women of the frontier
A website with an e-book (on-line text). True stories too. - http://www.historicaltextarchive.com/books.php?op=viewbook&bookid=46
If you don't read anything else, read the part about Texas/southwest women - tough gals!!
Kate Johnson just sent me the links to two more groups she hosts that relate to matters which may be of interest to the distaff side of our little family.
Kate is a writer and artist and one of the most interesting and knowledgeable ladies I have ever known. Her areas of interest are a bit earlier than the fur trade, but then I personally find the earlier areas 1) more interesting and 2) the foundation for much of what we know about goods, clothing, Etc. used during the fur trade era.
And for you Ladies of the TAB and HY, Kate does not take any guff off manly sorts, so she would fit right in with you.

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