From “Just Josh,” TAB Quartermaster:
Apologies for the delay in providing this to everyone… The Board held off on making the decision on moving forward with the Fall ‘vous until we got a good idea if the Governor would be issuing any orders that would affect our having a gathering of this size.
There is cut and deadfall wood onsite… please bring water for your camp.Remember that this is an election year for the Club Officers,,, The President, Vice-President, and Quartermaster positions’ terms will end at this ‘vous and will be up for election during the business meeting Saturday before the prize blanket. If you have been thinking about serving in one of these positions, but weren’t sure about the duties, please talk to one of us during the ‘vous.President – “Big” John DonahooVice President – “Blackpowder” Jim BransonQuartermaster – “Just” Josh Kuntz