Details and Fliers Added for TAB and TFT Winter 2025 Events!

The fliers have been updated for Texas Association of Buckskinners Deep Winter Rendezvous (Jan 24-26, 2025) and the Texas Free Trappers 37th Rendezvous (Feb 6-9, 2025).

All these details are on the events page!

The Booshway for Texas Free Trappers has requested that you RSVP either Rusty or Jack to let them know you’re coming out.    Also plan on having a fire bucket on hand and a brazier or fire ring just in case a burn ban is in effect.

Texas Free Trappers XXX Rendezvous, Feb 6-9, 2020

With Christmas upon us you might not be thinking about a rendezvous, but please put on your calendars the Texas Free Trappers XXX Rendezvous in Shiner set for February 6-9, 2020. Attached are the flyer and map. RSVPs really help us with communication to those planning on attending.

Wishing you and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Jack Simons

2019 Goliad Christmas Rendezvous

From John Donahoo, President – Texas Association of Buckskinners

Good evening friends & neighbors,

The time is once again upon us for the Christmas Rendezvous at Presidio la Bahia in Goliad, Texas. The dates for this year’s event are December 6th, 7th & 8th, 2019.

After a last minute change of cast, Cuz will be our Booshway. If you are able to assist with running events please give him a call asap. His cell number is: (281) 513-7685

As a reminder, this event IS open to the general public, and we are NOT able to have any firearms competitions at this rendezvous.

We will have knife & hawk, fire starting, archery and cooking contests. If you have ideas for any other non-firearm related events, please contact Cuz to discuss those ideas.

If you paid your annual TAB dues in October, you are covered for this event.. If you have not paid annual dues, you may do so at this event, or you may pay the $20 camp fee.

Water and showers are available on site. Please bring firewood. There are a limited number of beds available inside the barracks. These will be on a first come, first served basis.

For the Board of Directors,

John Donahoo
TAB President

Update: Fritztown Annual Fall Rendezvous – October 14-16

Update from Jack:

Fall is officially here, but the hot temperatures are trying to hold on.  Sure is, however, great to wake up to the cool mornings and that makes me think of Rendezvous Time!

The Fritztown (FFT) Annual Fall Rendezvous is a little over a little over a week away.   I have updated information concerning the memorial to Gene and Kathleen Nagelmueller.  It will begin at 4:00 p.m. that Saturday at an old tree Gene used to deer hunt at.  All FFT events will end before 4:00 and give everyone plenty of time to make it across the ranch.  After the memorial, dinner is being provided by the Nagelmueller Family so there is no need to bring a potluck meal for Saturday night.  Thank you Shirley, Heath and the rest of the Family.

Also, we are not doing a prize blanket as I stated earlier in the flier (enclosed has not been modified), but will instead handout cash prizes for the winners of each FFT event.

A special thanks goes out to Heath and Layton Nagelmueller, Glenn Darilek, Rusty Hathaway, Craig Segner, Bruce Shulter and David Williams for all their help at last Saturday’s work day in getting the site ready.  It looks awesome!

To promote our friends at the Comanche Peak Muzzleloaders, they are having a rendezvous this weekend, October 6-9, 2016 in Palestine, Texas.  Contact Chuck Morrison (Iron Horse) at

(254) 392-3546 or Mike Roberts (Teeny) at (817) 487-6853.  Flier can be found in events section of

Have a great week and see you October 14-16!

Jack Simons (210) 846-6375


The Fritztown Freetrappers always put on a great event, so take advantage of the improving weather and go join them!

Fritztown Rendezvous Work Day, 10/1

With the Fritztown Rendezvous a little over a month away, we are asking for volunteers to help clean up the site at the Nagelmueller Ranch.  If you can make it, the Fritztown Rendezvous

Work Day is Saturday, October 1, at 9:00 a.m.  It could still be hot, so we are getting an early start.

We’ll be cutting back brush, providing a little maintenance to the hooter (aka outhouse), touch up archery targets and blocks, if necessary and a variety of other things.  Be sure to bring gloves and plenty of water.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me or call 210-846-6375.

Your booshway, Jack Simons

Fritztown Free Trappers 2016 Fall Rendezvous


Fritztown Voo Map

Details posted for the Texas Association of Buckskinners Fall Rendezvous!

Come one, come all for Shinin’ Times at the TAB Fall 2015 Rendezvous!!

The booshway will be Bill “Bobcat” Brewer and events will include Rifle, Archery, Knife & Hawk, Fire Starting and the 1st Annual William Tell/Ernest T. Bass Rock Chunkin’.

Tea time will commence after the conclusion of events.

Mickey Dave Johnston has most graciously donated a 9’x9’x7’ wedge tent to be raffled off during Council Fire Saturday night. Tickets are available for purchase at Rendezvous. All proceeds benefit the Texas Association of Buckskinners.

More details, including directions are posted on the Events page.