Details and Fliers Added for TAB and TFT Winter 2025 Events!

The fliers have been updated for Texas Association of Buckskinners Deep Winter Rendezvous (Jan 24-26, 2025) and the Texas Free Trappers 37th Rendezvous (Feb 6-9, 2025).

All these details are on the events page!

The Booshway for Texas Free Trappers has requested that you RSVP either Rusty or Jack to let them know you’re coming out.    Also plan on having a fire bucket on hand and a brazier or fire ring just in case a burn ban is in effect.

WSB Shoot next Saturday, 11/27

Got an update from Jack on the next WSB shoot:

We are going to have a WSB shoot this next Saturday, weather permitting.  Here’s hoping you and your families have a Happy Thanksgiving,  Jack

White Smoke Brigade – Match 191 – November 27, 2021

Shooting begins around 10:00 AM.  There will be at least 3 rifle matches.  Got any smoothbores just sitting in your closet?  Get those flintlocks out and hit a few targets!

For those of you that might not know, the match is $5. We have a quarters shoot for cold bore.  Dues are payable for a calendar year and are only $15.00.

Dues not only go towards WSB, but for Texas Free Trappers too.  $15.00 for both!

Flintlocks and percussion rifles and pistols, but no modern muzzleloaders please.

We shoot some paper targets along with metal silhouettes.  Bring your own water and snacks. There are no toilet facilities on the property.

If you have any questions, please call.

   Rusty Hathaway              or               Jack Simons

    512-422-0377                                 210-846-6375

Directions – North of Canyon Lake

At “T” intersection of Highways 306 and 3424 turn north on 3424; cross Highway 32;

3424 becomes Mail Route Road; at about 100 yards cross a creek; then turn right

at a driveway with an old yellow Jeep full of cactus; stay right and drive through

living area turning left at the County Line sign on the building, enter and close the gate

behind you; there are horses onsite.

Approximate map coordinates: 29.943840,-98.209012


What could be better than muzzleloaders after Turkey Day!?!

Texas Free Trappers XXX Rendezvous, Feb 6-9, 2020

With Christmas upon us you might not be thinking about a rendezvous, but please put on your calendars the Texas Free Trappers XXX Rendezvous in Shiner set for February 6-9, 2020. Attached are the flyer and map. RSVPs really help us with communication to those planning on attending.

Wishing you and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Jack Simons

TFT Rendezvous postponed to February 21-24th

I’m glad we aren’t in a drought in South Texas, but the rain got the best of us again for the TFT Rendezvous.  Almost the same conditions as last fall.  The TFT Rendezvous is being moved to February 21-24th.  As before, please RSVP.  We appreciate all those that replied and gave us their cell numbers.  Get the word out!

Jack Simons

TFT Rendezvous, Feb 8-10, 2019

Sorry for the extremely late notice.  We are having a TFT rendezvous February 8-10, in Shiner.  Attached are the flyer and map.  Take note that we are asking for an RSVP to either the Booshway or Segundo or you can email me and I’ll pass it along.

Because of gate security on the ranch and the ever potential for a downpour, an RSVP will ensure folks can get in the gate or we can pass along news of a cancellation.  Upon arrival at the site, call the numbers on the flyer and someone will come down to open the gate.  We apologize to those that were notified too late last fall when we got rained out.  The ranch land just won’t support vehicles and we don’t want to go “mudding” through private property. 

Hope to see you there, Jack Simons