Details and Fliers Added for TAB and TFT Winter 2025 Events!

The fliers have been updated for Texas Association of Buckskinners Deep Winter Rendezvous (Jan 24-26, 2025) and the Texas Free Trappers 37th Rendezvous (Feb 6-9, 2025).

All these details are on the events page!

The Booshway for Texas Free Trappers has requested that you RSVP either Rusty or Jack to let them know you’re coming out.    Also plan on having a fire bucket on hand and a brazier or fire ring just in case a burn ban is in effect.

Details on the Texas Association of Buckskinners Fall 2020 Rendezvous!

From “Just Josh,” TAB Quartermaster:

Apologies for the delay in providing this to everyone… The Board held off on making the decision on moving forward with the Fall ‘vous until we got a good idea if the Governor would be issuing any orders that would affect our having a gathering of this size.

There is cut and deadfall wood onsite… please bring water for your camp.
Remember that this is an election year for the Club Officers,,, The President, Vice-President, and Quartermaster positions’ terms will end at this ‘vous and will be up for election during the business meeting Saturday before the prize blanket.  If you have been thinking about serving in one of these positions, but weren’t sure about the duties, please talk to one of us during the ‘vous.
President – “Big” John Donahoo
Vice President – “Blackpowder” Jim Branson
Quartermaster – “Just” Josh Kuntz
More details are available, including the flier and a map on the Events page.

**CANCELLATION** 2020 TAB Spring Rendezvous

From Big John Donahoo

It is with a heavy heart I must announce the cancellation of the 2020 TAB Spring Rendezvous April 3rd-5th. The Board of Directors had already been in communication with one another about the subject when we received word last night that the landowner has asked that we not come onto her property until the corona virus outbreak settles down.

That said, the landowner does want us to have a TAB Rendezvous on her property in the future and suggested we come in October 2020 for the Fall Rendezvous. After discussing it with the other Board members we decided to do just that. Andrew Lewis has asked that his election as Booshway be deferred to the Fall 2020 Rendezvous. The Board agrees with that request.

The 2020 TAB Fall Rendezvous will be held on that property near Paige, Texas October 23-25, 2020 with Andrew Lewis as Booshway and Ronnie Spence as Segundo.

The Board of Directors will be happy to answer any questions any of our members may have regarding the subject.

Please stay safe and be good to one another.

For the Board of Directors,

Big John
John Donahoo
TAB President

2019 Goliad Christmas Rendezvous

From John Donahoo, President – Texas Association of Buckskinners

Good evening friends & neighbors,

The time is once again upon us for the Christmas Rendezvous at Presidio la Bahia in Goliad, Texas. The dates for this year’s event are December 6th, 7th & 8th, 2019.

After a last minute change of cast, Cuz will be our Booshway. If you are able to assist with running events please give him a call asap. His cell number is: (281) 513-7685

As a reminder, this event IS open to the general public, and we are NOT able to have any firearms competitions at this rendezvous.

We will have knife & hawk, fire starting, archery and cooking contests. If you have ideas for any other non-firearm related events, please contact Cuz to discuss those ideas.

If you paid your annual TAB dues in October, you are covered for this event.. If you have not paid annual dues, you may do so at this event, or you may pay the $20 camp fee.

Water and showers are available on site. Please bring firewood. There are a limited number of beds available inside the barracks. These will be on a first come, first served basis.

For the Board of Directors,

John Donahoo
TAB President

Texas Association of Buckskinners – 40th annual Fall Rendezvous – October 26th-28th, 2018

The big one is finally here folks!! TAB is hosting our 40th annual Fall Rendezvous October 26th-28th, 2018. Come join us in camp near North Zulch, Texas for Shinin’ Times and lots of fun!

Events include rifle & pistol, knife & hawk, primitive fire starting, primitive archery and a few other shenanigans thrown in for good fun for everyone.

Firewood is available on site, BRING YOUR OWN WATER! There is no potable water source on site.

Please share this event with other buckskinners/reenactors who would be interested, but make sure they know this a time period correct encampment that requires pre-1840’s dress and camp gear. This event is not open to the general public or anyone in street clothes.

Please see the attached flier for further details.

The TAB Board of Directors is serving as Booshway for this event. Please contact one of the club officers with any questions.

President: John Donahoo (817) 507-6303
Vice President: Jim Branson (361) 935-8372
Secretary/Treasurer: Josh Kuntz ((512) 619-9216
Advisor: Robert Garcia ((512) 296-9951
Advisor: Scott York (979255-8324

TAB Fall 2018 - Location