Society of Buckskinners Rendezvous – May 14-16, 2010

Society of Buckskinners
Affiliated with S.E. Colorado Council of Buckskinners
Rendezvous on the Middle Concho

May 14-16, 2010

Camp Rules:
No Dogs
No modern containers visible
No liquid / gas devices in primitive camp
Primitive dress required to participate
SAFETY, First, Last, & Always
If fire ban in effect, be prepared with propane stoves or above ground firebox

Friday, May 14, 2010
Set up ($10 Person, $20 Family)
Candle shoot after dark

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Camp Meeting 9:00AM
Blanket shoot ($15 Prize)
Smoothbore & Pistol shoot
Fire starting – Knife & Hawk

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sunday Services 9:00 AM
Tear down and farewells

For more information contact:
Jay Colvin (432) 816-9092

Director Needed – Mountain Man Camp at Buffalo Trail Scout Ranch

I got the below via email and wanted to pass the word on, if anyone is interested.

My name is David O’Neill, Camp Director for Buffalo Trail Scout Ranch. We are a 9,000 acre camp located in the Davis Mountains of Texas and we operate a nine week camp for Boy Scouts. We are the largest and most popular Scout camp in Texas, in both size and participation. We will have over 4,000 participants this summer, and many of them come to our camp to participate in our high adventure programs. The most popular of all of those High Adventure programs is our Mountain Man camp.

The Mountain Man camp is located 3 miles down the trail from our main base camp, and is designed to immerse the participants in the life and times of the Mountain Men and the fur trapping era. We have 30 participants a week at this program, living in period style tents and doing activities such as black powder rifle, learning about edible plants, tanning hides, taking hikes to see real Indian paintings and much more! I have attached a brochure for the program to give you an idea of what we do.

The reason I am contacting you is that we are looking for a new director for the program. The gentleman that ran the program for seven years is no longer able to come to camp and I have to find a suitable replacement that has the passion and the knowledge of this period in American History! We pay a weekly salary and provide the equipment and supplies needed to run the program. There are two other hands that work on this staff, for a total of three people. It is a great program and we need a good leader to make it a continued success.

If you would be willing to share this information with your membership, in order for us to help recruit a new director, it would be most appreciated. If anyone has any questions about the program or the position, I will be glad to answer them. You have my email address and my phone number is listed below. Thank you very much for your help, I appreciate it!

David O’Neill
Field Director
BTSR Camp Director
Buffalo Trail Council
(432) 570-7601

If interested, contact David directly at the above address/number.

– Many Rifles

Texas Free Trappers Rendezvous XII


Texas Free Trappers Rendezvous XII at the Dagger Ranch in La Vernia is coming up.

A flier, Schedule of Events, Events Planner and map are attached.

Competition is not mandatory. You can choose the events you want to enter. Each one has prizes to be awarded, the number of prizes will be bases on how many entrants there are, with a minimum of 5.

We hope to see old and new friends at our first rendezvous of 2010.

A few words on the potluck supper. TFT provides the meat dish. Buckskinners are asked to bring a dish to share. I suggest that the math works this way. If 10 families or camps brings a dish to serve 8 people there is enough to feed 80 people. This is far too much for the usual number of people eating. If we all bring a dish that will serve 4 to 6 there will be enough to feed 40 to 60. So don’t think your individual contributions have to be large, nor do they have to be “home made”. We always have a few first timers or guests that are invited to eat with us. Nobody will starve, but participation is requested.

Early camp setup will start about noon on Thursday. Compete on Friday and avoid what we hope will be a crowd.

We really need to grow in attendance in order to continue quality rendezvous.

2010 mandatory dues for the White Smoke Company of Buckskinners are due. Most of you know that the Fritztown Free Trappers’ two annual rendezvous, the Texas Free Trappers’ two annual rendezvous and the monthly black powder matches of the White Smoke Brigade are covered by the dues.

I hope I haven’t left out anything important. Call or email me any time.

Watch yer back trail…..

Grey Wolf

Annual Boy Scout Winter Campout Rendezvous – 2/19-21/2010

Annual Boy Scout Winter Campout Rendezvous
February 19th, 20th, & 21st, 2010
Ola, Texas (near Kaufman)
Booshway~ Carl Martinez, Scout Master
Segundo ~ Brian Savage
For more info or directions please contact Susan Hall at or 903-340-1788

~ FREE CAMPING ~ no fees
~ FREE Hawk, Knife, Archery & Rifle Competition (if there’s enough interest)
We have some really nice items to go on the prize blanket including a Green River Early Trade Knife & sheath, Hudson Bay Brass Tobacco / Firestarting Tin with magnifying glass, Throwing Hawks, Neck Knives and various other items.
~ FREE Meals ~ We handle all the cooking
~ Beautiful site ~ On 500+ acres of land that has been in the Shiels family since it was land granted to them by the State of Texas. Ask grandpa Shiels about the original deed. It states that the land was measured by the ‘turn of the wagon wheel’.

Once again the Boy Scout Troop Leaders are inviting all who enjoy a good rendezvous to join them for their annual February campout. Last year we introduced the boys to the spirit of the ‘vous with great response. They had a chance to forge a knife, make a possibles bag, learn fire starting and compete in the hawk, knife & black powder rifle competition. This is a chance for you to camp and show it off to boys who are eager to learn more about everything from your favorite tent styles to why you wear your jacket that way.

You won’t be asked to do anything other than set up camp and enjoy the company. This will allow the boys to experience a more ‘vous type atmosphere, hopefully opening their eyes a little wider to what a real vous would be like. Who knows, these boys may be the future of our ‘vous. Don’t get me wrong, those of you who would like to help, people are always needed to help with the various competitions. If you have one event that you
would like to help with or be in charge of, your help would be more than welcome.

This is truly a beautiful site with lots of trees, running water is available on site (and yes, it’s good tasting) and firewood is on site and ready to burn. Heck, they’re even gonna feed us for free! Breakfast, lunch and dinner! We’ve had a few who have helped in the past years that are returning to help, but with some going off to the service and others moving out of state, we are getting to a be a scarce few.

Heck, if it would churn up some interest, I would even have an award for ‘Best Vous Camp’. It would be a chance for you to show off you best period camp. Just let me know, `cause if we have enough participation, I will come up with a really nice prize to give out. We will have selected Boy Scouts & Leaders judge.

I feel that it is an honor that these Boy Scout Troops have asked us to show them the ways of the mountainmen. These Troops are known for having their boys not just be scouts, but go on to earn their Eagle Scout honors as well. These boys are dedicated and want to learn so why not come on out and help us teach them the way things should be done…the mountain man way!

For more information please contact Susan Hall at 903-340-1788 or email her at:

To all you enterprising young men . . . HORSE BACK RIDE 2010

To all you enterprising young men…

This is a preliminary call for riders for the expedition to the Western National Rendezvous next year in Creede, CO. I have spoken to some of you about this already so you know roughly what is going on.

The ride will hopefully (Still finalizing and getting through the red tape) start at The Martinez Hacienda outside of Taos , NM . From there we will ride west to the Carson National Forest and then North to the Rio Grande National Forest and into Creede.

I’m am still fine tuning the route, I’ll get you a copy of the maps when I’m finished with it. But the basics of the route I plan on taking is from Martinez Hacienda west either N or S around the Taos Indian Reservation( or possibly through it) crossing one of the two bridges(the south bridge has less traffic) over the gorge into Carson Nat’l Forest and riding N through Carson into the Rio Grande Nat’l Forest up through the South San Juan Wilderness area, following the Conejos River, over Stunner Pass just north of Platoro and then cutting back west on Park Creek and Beaver Creek towards South Fork and then heading NW towards Wagon Wheel Gap along the Rio Grande or maybe across Elk Mtn(if it is low enough to pass) and dropping down into Creede. The rendezvous site is sort of in the middle of the triangular area of Spar City , Creede, and Wagon Wheel Gap a couple of miles south of Marshall Park. I’ve backpacked all through that country and don’t think that it will be too rough following the east side of the San Juans. All those places mentioned above should be on most NM and CO highway maps. And we will be in national forest for nearly the whole ride crossing only a few(maybe 5, and only crossing not riding along) paved roads. If things don’t work out with the Hacienda, I am looking for an alternate start point in Carson Nat’l Forest,maybe somewhere around Madera . I’d like to start somewhere with historical significance but if we have to travel too long in populated areas or if it is just too difficult I will settle for just starting at one of the Nat’l Forest horse camps.

Look the maps over and let me know of any comments you may have.

I will send hwy and NPS map copies out to those who have a serious interest.

The ride is roughly 180 miles by highway, so I am estimating that the actual ride length as a crow flies will be between 150 and 170 miles. If we stay on schedule, don’t get lost or fearsome confused, and stick to trying to make 20-25 miles a day we can do it in around 7 days, I am planning on 8-10 to be safe. The rendezvous is July 10-18, you can find info about at

http://www.rockymnt natlrendz. com/rendezvous2006.html

I was at this vous the last time it was in Creede in 2006, it is the best event I have ever been to, as well as the best site I have ever been to. The way the camp is set up provides natural barriers between long term, short term, and the parking lot so that if you are in long term camp you never see anything modern other than one barb wire fence unless you go to the short term camp or parking lot. No roads, power lines, nothing. And the head waters of the Rio Grande cut through long term camp and there is fairly decent fishing on site. If you don’t go on the ride go to the rendezvous, I promise you will not be disappointed.

Horses have been the main set back so far, there are some of us who will be bringing personal mounts, but some of us, including me who will be traveling a long distance and will not easily or cheaply be able to do so, and I don’t suggest anyone from the flats bring their horses anyway as horses from the flats do not know how to behave and react in the Rockies. I am working on finding an outfitter to rent horses from and plan on having something definite by the end of January. I have a very positive lead that I will be checking into this week. Renting horses is going to cost between $500 and $800 for the ride, which will include delivery to the start point and pick up from the end point. I have also been offered use of horses from some friends however the number of those horses available are limited.

This ride WILL BE PRE 1840, so if you want to go make sure that your gear is appropriate, I will be providing a check list of gear you need to have for both you and your horse in the next round of information. If you would like to have any input in that list I’d be happy to have the help so speak up or forever hold your peace. I’m sure most of you currently have the gear that you need, but be prepared to purchase some items if you do not. This is not solely a mountain man ride, I’m not requiring anybody to be dressed in leathers, any clothing that is period will be allowed. There will also be some items that I don’t mind if you have but would rather you leave at home so we don’t have multiples. It will be COLD, not too cold but cold none the less, typical weather for that time of year is 30s and 40s at night and 70s in the day. Weather can be VERY unpredictable in the Rockies . We should be riding during the Monsoon season so once we hit the higher elevations it will rain most likely every day, but monsoon rains usually only last 30-90 minutes. And it is likely that we may catch some sleet, hail, or a small snow flurry. Guns and live ammunition are allowed in NP so we will carry them. You are all experienced and know what you can take and how much, so use your common sense.

There will be some gear that I will be providing for the ride out of my own pocket such as a shovel, axe, and I’d like to have a rain fly for every 3 men to use as a lean-to shelter. I will also be bringing my cell phone and a GPS just as a safety precaution as well as a modern pistol and I will allow two others to carry modern firearms. Anyone who would like to bring their phone do so, but they will not be allowed out of your saddle bags while riding, unless it is an emergency. Once we stop and make camp for the day, and only after we stop and make camp and your horse has been attended to may you go outside of camp and use your phone, unless as mentioned before it is an emergency. Cameras will be allowed anytime during the ride. And I suggest that everyone bring appropriate paper, journal, and pen or pencil so that you can record the trip as it progresses.

I would like to purchase all the food for the ride in one set so that there is no chance that someone forgets it or doesn’t have enough, or has something inappropriate. For now I have pinole, jerked meat (dog and mule ), rice, and some flour on the menu. I also expect to do some scavenging while on the trail. There will also probably be some hard tack in there somewhere. If you have any suggestions on food let me know. There will, hopefully, be a designated quarter master for the trip, he and I will gather and prepare staples. You will most likely have to provide you own bags for storing the food that we can’t get on the pack animal. I will let you know how many and what size bags you will need. Material and construction of the bags is optional, you can make them or buy them.

There will be a command structure for this ride, most of the positions will be voluntary and some not. I would like to have a quarter master, two captains, Booshway and Segundo. I will be in charge and the Booshway my Segundo will be the most experienced rider in the group which I will determine based on the qualities and experience of the participating riders. Whatever the Booshway or Segundo says goes during the ride, but there will be plenty of opportunity for input from everyone. In matters of safety, route, and travel the Booshway and Segundo will have final say, allowing for input from the brigade, but I WILL EXPECT everyone to respect the Booshway’s and Segundo’s decisions.

I would like to start the ride on July 3rd, camping at the Martinez Hacienda on the 2nd, and leaving at first light the next morning, so that we should arrive at the rendezvous one day on the first weekend.

I will be heading up to New Mexico and Colorado in early June to make preparations. I will also be going to the rendezvous site before the ride and setting up camps for all of us going on the ride. I will be bringing a wall tent and large pyramid tent. If you want to sleep out under the stars at the event that is fine, I will probably be staying in digger camp. However, we will have a place to go and stash gear if the weather turns bad, which at the last one there was some rain. If you would like for me to haul any gear that you would like to have at the vous but can’t take on the ride let me know and I will make arrangements to get it and take it up there with my gear and the camp.

You are welcome to stay at the rendezvous for as long as you like, I will be staying for the duration of the event, but I know many of you will not be able to stay as long so you decide on your departure dates. And keep in mind that there will be a registration fee for the rendezvous which can be found at the website listed above and I suggest you pre-register.

If you are interested in participating in this ride please contact me asap. There will be a limited number of slots, 8-10 riders max; I will open two alternate spots in case someone has to back out at the last minute. Do not be discouraged if you are not selected to go, as formerly mentioned there are a limited number of slots because of NPS regulations and any more than ten riders will be a handful. However, I plan on repeating variations of this ride in the future as I’ve heard that the Rendezvous will probably be cycling to Creede every two years so you can plan on the next one. There will be a deposit required for the food and horses that will be rented in the future so be prepared. Just to throw some tentative dates out, I would like to have all money in for food by April 15th and the horses deposit will probably be needed around mid March or mid April. Money for your part of the food will need to be paid in full by April 15th and the food is not going to be expensive. For the horses I will try to arrange a deposit of half in March or April and half when the horses are delivered to the start point. These dates are tentative and I will work with people on the money side, this is just an idea so that if you want to go you can be financially prepared. And remember these will be in addition to your travel expenses to and from, I suggest carpooling with other riders if possible.

I will have the next round of information on the ride, cost, required items, and checklist sent out by the end of January to mid February.

Feel free to pass this along.

Thanks and I look forward to riding with you,

Taylor Tomlin
empresariotomlin @
(361) 319-2287

Townsend’s Traveling Physician

The question invariably comes up about first aid kits for the pack or haversack on period events. Whether or not to carry modern medicine is up to the individual (personal prescriptions are always recommended), but being an EMT, I tend to err on the side of bringing modern medical gear (though hidden in period containers – marked clearly with a red cross).

Jason Townsend and Sons has come up with a period-correct medical kit that is just what the doctor ordered.

Check out the great video below . . .



When I say “Rendezvous News”, I mean to say there is a LOT of new stuff going on!!!

The first news announcement you may know about by now. The White Smoke Brigade, Texas Free Trappers, and the Fritztown Free Trappers have all combined to form the WHITE SMOKE COMPANY OF BUCKSKINNERS, INC. We are now a non-profit organization. We did this in order to be able to get liability insurance for our events. You will also notice that we have our very own club email address!

The second big news concerns the dates for our rendezvous. If you are a Fritztown Free Trapper, listen up! ALL rendezvous’ will be on the SECOND weekend of the month. This means the October event will be on the 9th-10th-11th. If you have to schedule vacation time way in advance, keep this in mind. Fritztown rendezvous’ will be the 2nd weekend of March and October. Texas Free Trapper rendezvous’ will be the 2nd weekend of April and November.

Also, the October rendezvous will be held at La Vernia – NOT in Fredericksburg on the Sagebiel property. We spoke to David Sagebiel (Big Chief) after the March event and decided that since he has not been able to burn any of the cedar (and he has cut down more) that it would be best to move the rendezvous to another location. The good news is Big Chief has taken the property off the market so we can continue to use it in the future………..if Central Texas EVER gets any rain!!!

If you have never been to the La Vernia site, shame on you…..but you will have the opportunity to check it out on Saturday – August 29th!! That’s when we have scheduled our “Work Day”……. and yes, we realize it will be hotter n hell at the end of August, but that is when it has to be so at this point Justeve and I are down on our knees BEGGING for volunteers to come out and help us get the property ready for rendezvous! IronBurner has been busy this summer building another hooter (Taj Mah Stal) that will need to be assembled on site. Grey Wolf needs help setting up a new shooting line, including moving targets. Justeve will be setting up new hawk and knife blocks, and the Archery walk. If you have one, bring a leaf rake, loppers for cutting small branches, and gloves. A weedeater might also be nice to have on site.

We will meet on site at 9:00 a.m. and if enough wonderful volunteers show up, we can get through with everything and then relax with a cold one! If you can help, but have never been to the La Vernia site, send an email to this address and we will email you a map. We need your help to make this rendezvous possible.

I will be sending out info about the October rendezvous right after Labor Day, but you can volunteer now to help run an event!

Hope to see a bunch of you on Saturday, August 29th!

– Kathy (Hummingbird) Boyd

For more information, contact Hummingbird at

Saturday Film Shoot

Sorry for the late notice, but I just got this today . . .

If you have the clothing, weapons and desire to participate in this event you can Google up the site location at this address
23800 Hamilton Pool Rd Dripping Springs, TX 78620

Hello everyone, I hope you had a restful and joyful holiday season.I am writing everybody to request our assistance for an upcoming project I am working on. On January 10th a film shoot recreating the Battle of Bejar will be taking place at Reimer’s Ranch in Dripping springs Texas on the film set of the 2004 Alamo Movie. This may very will be the last opportunity to see the set as it is rapidly deteriorating and will most likely not be up much longer. The shoot will be sponsored by Phillip DeLaPena,in an effort to create an interactive instructional prototype to be used in Texas History classrooms. Although reenactors will not be paid, in accordance with an agreement with the San Antonio living history association, the footage collected will also be accumulated into a recruiting video for S.A.L.H.A. and copies of high quality digital shots of reenactors on the period location will be given free of charge, lunch will also be provided. Details of the shoot are as follows:

TIME: Reenactors are expected at the site at 8:30, filming will begin promptly and last until at most dusk.

LOCATION: Reimer’s Ranch, Dripping Springs Texas on the Set of the 2004 Alamo film.

IMPRESSIONS: Participants are encouraged to bring as much clothing as possible since due to editing abilities all wIll be playing multiple roles, with emphasis on the following parts:
• Texan Volunteers
• Bejar Townspeople
• Mexican Soldados
• New Orleans Greys
• Mexican Officers

I hope all can attend, we are also looking for anyone interested in filling principal characters (Frank Johnson, Ben Milam, Deaf Smith, Gen. Cos etc.) Also, this filming is not exclusive, if you know of anyone else who may be interested please feel free to email me at so I can pass along more details to interested parties.

From – Phillip DeLaPena

You Might Be a Buckskinner if…

Received this via email and thought it was too good not to pass on . . .

You Might Be a Buckskinner if . . .

You set up a hawk block in your yard.

You have a closet designated just for period clothing

You determine which new vehicle to buy based on the amount of camping gear can fit into it

You spent more money on beeswax candles than on light bulbs last year.

You display more canvas then the local art gallery.

The smell of wood smoke lowers your blood pressure and makes you smile.

You will pay $80.00 for a linen hunting shirt, but refuse to squeeze out $12.99 for a half-decent oxford at Wally World.

You proudly display historical weapons in your house, but your modern firearms are all in put away in a storage closet.

You go modern camping with friends and show up with candles, lanterns and no flashlights.

The power goes out and you grab candle lanterns instead of using the readily available flashlights.

Your house looks like an armory, museum and/or taxidermist shop.

You have various parts of animals laying around your house.

You have a separate room in your house designated for camping equipment.

Your wedding gift to your spouse has the word “baker”, “wedge” or “wall” in it.

You look into the trunk of a friends new vehicle and think about how much gear you can pack into it.

You and your friends have a totally different meaning of the term “roughing it”.

You think the participants on Survivor are wimps.

You see someone you’ve known for years and don’t recognize them in modern clothing.

You have seen bed sheets, bed spreads or even drapes that you thought would make good clothing.

You’ve driven past some open land and thought, “What a great place for a rendezvous!”

You’ve worn wool even when the temperature tops 100 degrees.

Your kids can correct their history teacher.

You have been asked in a gas station if you are Amish.

In a conversation with a co-worker about camping, they all think you are insane when you tell them what type of gear you use.

You see a beautiful girl in a bikini and wonder what she looks like in a bodice.

Your $36,000.00 vehicle sits in the rain so your $200.00 tent can stay in the garage.

You plan the pregnancy of your child so it has the least impact on your re-enactment schedule.

You will eat items that have fallen onto the well trampled ground around a campfire, but not if it falls on your kitchen floor.

You have two levels of hygiene, “at events” and “at home”.

You own your own artillery.

You annually dispose of your Halloween pumpkins by cutting them up with various tomahawks to test which one works best.

And Finally:

If you’ve contemplated relocating your family to another region that has more rendezvous.

White Smoke Bridage – Match 54

White Smoke Brigade – Match 54

I have already heard that two of our faithful shooters won’t be able to attend Match 54.
I’d like to know how many shooters to expect at the match.
The Grinch heard a rumor about it and has purchased a Kevlar vest. We’ll have to aim high.

Remember, it takes balls to shoot the December match!

December 13th at 10am

1 single shot pistol match; Minimum of 3 rifle matches

Let’s try again for a revolver match

At our range site on the west side of FM 306, just south of Purgatory Rd

Look for the WSB sign by the gate

Bring your single shot pistols & revolvers

– Grey Wolf