From Iron Burner:

Because three of our event leaders (workers) cannot be at the Texas Free Trappers Rendezvous this weekend because of urgent family emergencies, and with the hope for better weather, the rendezvous has been rescheduled for February 15 – 18, 2018.
We hope this change does not prevent you from attending.
Updated on the Events update

Update on TFT Rendezvous – Feb 9-11, 2018

From Jack Simons:

Christmas is around the corner and the smell of burnt  powder is in the air (well at least for us)!  The next Texas Free Trappers Rendezvous is set for February 9-11, 2018

in Shiner, Texas.  Please get the word out.  If you know any folks that don’t use email, let me know their name and mailing address.  I’m going to put the word out to the Lavaca and Gonzales Counties’ 4H groups to see if they’d like to come by and see what we are all about.

Here’s wishing you and your families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

More details and an event flier are available on the Events Page!

Annual Mountain Man Weekend Gathering – 2017 – Trader’s Village

Just found out that there’s been a mountain man event at Traders Village near Grand Prairie, TX that’s been going on for a while.

It’s usually held the weekend before Thanksgiving, which falls on November 17-19 this year.

Here are the details:

What is a Mountain Man? “A ‘Mountain Man’ is the present day term for an 1800’s ‘Buckskinner’ “. The Mountain Man Gathering gives youth and adults alike the opportunity to experience and enjoy a valuable part of Americana, how our ancestors survived in the American frontier.

If you have camped out, been a member of the Boy or Girl Scouts, or have any interest in American history, you will be intrigued by the pre-1840s costumes that will be showcased at Traders Village.


This special weekend will begin each day at 10:00 a.m.. Through song, storytelling and historical reenactment of an era unfamiliar to us all, Mountain Man Gathering will provide a window to the past with authenticity as the key. Mountain Man demonstrations will include: beading, tomahawk and knife throwing, firestarting, bow and arrow making, leather work, knife making, pottery maker/demo, and several traders (demonstrations subject to change). There will be a variety of traders and sellers both days.


Traders Village is located at 2602 Mayfield Road in Grand Prairie, five miles south of Six Flags Over Texas, just off State Highway 360 near I-20. Admission is free and parking is only $4.00 per car. For more information, call 972-647-2331.

For more info, check out their website.

Update on Texas Association of Buckskinners Fall 2017 Rendezvous

Here are the details on the Texas Association of Buckskinners Fall 2017 Rendezvous, being held at the W.B. Ranch in Aquilla, Texas:

Events will include:
Canoe Rifle Shoot; Pistol Shoot; Fire Starting; Primitive Archery; Knife & Hawk; Canoe Jousting; Fishing Contest; Tea Time

If you would like to have a cooking contest, pie contest, or any other event please contact the Booshway with details and someone to run the event.

Bring CANOES and PADDLES if you have any available!!

If you plan to participate in the canoe rifle shoot or canoe jousting, you MUST provide your own U.S. Coast Guard approved Type III PFD (personal flotation device)



All T.A.B. rules apply. Pre-1840 dress and camps REQUIRED after set-up. No vehicles in camp after 9:00am Saturday October 28th.

This is the weekend before Halloween, so be sure to have some tricks or treats for any lil’ beasties that may come wandering through camp Saturday night.

T.A.B. will be holding an election for our two Advisory Board Member positions prior to Tea Time on Saturday. These positions are both for three (3) year terms. The advisory members assist the Board of Directors in club business matters. To have your name placed on the ballot you must be a paid T.A.B. member, be nominated and accept the nomination. Please do not nominate anyone for these positions without discussing it with them first. Voting will be conducted by anonymous written ballot. Current T.A.B. membership required to receive and cast a ballot.

This is also the weekend for annual dues renewal. $40.00 for a family membership; $25.00 for an individual.


Bill “Bobcat” Brewer (254) 749-6550
Josh “Just Josh” Kuntz (512) 619-9216

A State of Texas fishing license is required by law to fish in the Brazos River.

Update – Fritztown Free Trappers March Rendezvous March 9-12

From Jack Simons . . .

On behalf of our Booshway Matò, just a reminder that the Fritztown Free Trappers March Rendezvous begins three days from now.  Although the forecast calls for rain, we are praying and hoping it will go around. Watch your emails closely as we will send out an email about the status of the Nagelmueller Ranch.  While we’d muscle through it if it rained, we also don’t want to tear up the property as it is still a working ranch and running cattle.

More details are on the Events page


Update: Fritztown Annual Fall Rendezvous – October 14-16

Update from Jack:

Fall is officially here, but the hot temperatures are trying to hold on.  Sure is, however, great to wake up to the cool mornings and that makes me think of Rendezvous Time!

The Fritztown (FFT) Annual Fall Rendezvous is a little over a little over a week away.   I have updated information concerning the memorial to Gene and Kathleen Nagelmueller.  It will begin at 4:00 p.m. that Saturday at an old tree Gene used to deer hunt at.  All FFT events will end before 4:00 and give everyone plenty of time to make it across the ranch.  After the memorial, dinner is being provided by the Nagelmueller Family so there is no need to bring a potluck meal for Saturday night.  Thank you Shirley, Heath and the rest of the Family.

Also, we are not doing a prize blanket as I stated earlier in the flier (enclosed has not been modified), but will instead handout cash prizes for the winners of each FFT event.

A special thanks goes out to Heath and Layton Nagelmueller, Glenn Darilek, Rusty Hathaway, Craig Segner, Bruce Shulter and David Williams for all their help at last Saturday’s work day in getting the site ready.  It looks awesome!

To promote our friends at the Comanche Peak Muzzleloaders, they are having a rendezvous this weekend, October 6-9, 2016 in Palestine, Texas.  Contact Chuck Morrison (Iron Horse) at

(254) 392-3546 or Mike Roberts (Teeny) at (817) 487-6853.  Flier can be found in events section of

Have a great week and see you October 14-16!

Jack Simons (210) 846-6375


The Fritztown Freetrappers always put on a great event, so take advantage of the improving weather and go join them!