Per Jack, the shoot has been rescheduled to August 29, 2020.
Here’s some more details:
Alright, we are going to try this again. We got rained out yesterday, but the shoot has been rescheduled for next Saturday, August 29th.
For those of you that might not know, the match is $5. We have a quarters shoot for cold bore. Dues are payable for a calendar year and are only $15.00. Dues not only go towards WSB, but for Texas Free Trappers too. $15.00 for both! Flintlocks and percussion rifles and pistols, but no modern muzzleloaders please. We shoot some paper targets along with metal silhouettes. Bring your
own water and snacks. There are no toilet facilities on the property.
From Jack “Straight Arrow” Simons:
Sure felt good to get out last month and shoot some powder. Hope you can join us this upcoming Saturday. See notice below. – Jack “Straight Arrow”
White Smoke Brigade – Match 176 – August 22, 2020
Shooting begins around 10:00 AM
There will be at least 3 rifle matches
If you have any questions, please call.
Joe Wolf or Jack Simons
830-935-3121 210-846-6375