Details and Fliers Added for TAB and TFT Winter 2025 Events!

The fliers have been updated for Texas Association of Buckskinners Deep Winter Rendezvous (Jan 24-26, 2025) and the Texas Free Trappers 37th Rendezvous (Feb 6-9, 2025).

All these details are on the events page!

The Booshway for Texas Free Trappers has requested that you RSVP either Rusty or Jack to let them know you’re coming out.    Also plan on having a fire bucket on hand and a brazier or fire ring just in case a burn ban is in effect.

Burn Ban Update on TAB Fall Rendezvous – 2015

From Big John Donahoo:

I have spoken to the Leon County Judge’s Office today in reference to the burn ban variance I requested for the Club on Tuesday. The Leon County Judge has denied our request for a variance on the burn ban. There will be NO FIRES at TAB Fall Rendezvous next weekend. This includes metal fire pits & braziers. Please come prepared with either propane or alternative fuel stoves/cookers.

The 10-day forecast does call for rain next Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, but the County Judge’s Office says it is highly unlikely the Judge will issue any burn ban variances unless a majority of Leon County receives substantial rainfall. I will monitor the area weather and request the variance again if that rain does occur, but at this point it will have to be a “cold camp”.

For the Board of Directors,

John Donahoo
TAB President 2014-2016

Important Details for October Fritztown Freetrappers Rendezvous!

Two updates for the October FF event in Shiner:

1.  BRIDGE IS OUT –  see below
The bridge on our usual route to the Shiner Rendezvous site is gone!
But there are two other routes to take, probably depending on whether you are coming from Shiner or Gonzales.
I have shown them as the Orange and Green on the attached map.
The shortcut on the Orange route is good for all but the largest campers, and even then, they have been removing some of the overhanging branches.
We will try to put out a few signs, but not on Hwy 90A.
Thanks to Craig, our highway engineer for the heads up.
From –
Iron Burner
Glenn Darilek

Update on the Fritztown Freetrappers Burn Ban

From Booshway Iron Burner . . . Below is info on the Burn Ban…..

Our Shiner site is in Gonzales County, which has a burn ban in effect.  This means:

“No burning of any combustible material outside a contained area that serves to contain all flames or sparks.”

To me, this means more than just metal fire rings.

Charcoal would be a good idea.

And as a safety measure we should have fire buckets full of water around every fire and never leave a fire unattended.

None of us could bear the thought of starting a grass fire, so please plan on meeting and exceeding the requirements.

Update on the Burn Ban for this weekend’s TAB

From – Heather Hill, Booshway:

Mickey Dave and Judy worked really hard and kind of worked a miracle for us and got an exception to the fire ban. The exception is for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday only. If you go in on Thursday, I am sorry you will have to use your Coleman stove. Because of the ban we will give everyone a choice to use a fire or to use a coleman stove. The booshway (me), the segundo (Kelle), the dog (and dawg) soldiers, and the Board will be watching camps. If you leave your fire unattended someone will put it out. Sorry. That is the way it is. We are subjected to be visited, inspected, whichever you prefer so we need to make sure we have a 2 foot cleared area around our fire pits and need to make sure our fire pits are at least 8 inches deep was it. The same people listed above will be checking on that. There will be a fire extinguisher at the bulletin board and on the firing line. So if someone needs it they are there.

Sounds like it will be shinin’ times!