2019 Goliad Christmas Rendezvous

From John Donahoo, President – Texas Association of Buckskinners

Good evening friends & neighbors,

The time is once again upon us for the Christmas Rendezvous at Presidio la Bahia in Goliad, Texas. The dates for this year’s event are December 6th, 7th & 8th, 2019.

After a last minute change of cast, Cuz will be our Booshway. If you are able to assist with running events please give him a call asap. His cell number is: (281) 513-7685

As a reminder, this event IS open to the general public, and we are NOT able to have any firearms competitions at this rendezvous.

We will have knife & hawk, fire starting, archery and cooking contests. If you have ideas for any other non-firearm related events, please contact Cuz to discuss those ideas.

If you paid your annual TAB dues in October, you are covered for this event.. If you have not paid annual dues, you may do so at this event, or you may pay the $20 camp fee.

Water and showers are available on site. Please bring firewood. There are a limited number of beds available inside the barracks. These will be on a first come, first served basis.

For the Board of Directors,

John Donahoo
TAB President