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Monday, April 12, 2010

Taylor's Ride - In the News!

Taylor Tomlin's border to border period ride has a write-up in a Silver-City paper.

Below is an excerpt and a link to the full article.
Modern-day mountain men making their way to Canadian border

SILVER CITY - They were just passing through, the three buckskin-clad riders traveling on horseback along Route 35 in the Mimbres Valley on Tuesday afternoon, heading "short-term" for the Gila Hot Springs and "long-term" through the Grand Canyon to the Canadian border near Glacier Park.

Outfitted like mountain men of the past, complete with long guns and pack animals, they said they are riding for freedom and independence and they call themselves, with neither apology nor bravado, freedom riders.

"We're trying to hold onto the real America," explained 52-year-old Rick "Hawk" Hawkhurst of Montana. "Freedom and independence were the cornerstones of America. They were what this country was built on. And every law that's passed takes away more of our freedom and independence."

"The last time this type of border-to-border mountain man ride was done was 25 years ago," said 22-year-old Taylor Tomlin of Mineral, Texas. "We figure in another 20 years, what with more laws and more fences, a ride like this won't be possible."
More here.

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