Per Sylvas - "By Way of the Woods"

The Online Journal of

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Texas Free Trappers Rendezvous XII


Texas Free Trappers Rendezvous XII at the Dagger Ranch in La Vernia is coming up.

A flier, Schedule of Events, Events Planner and map are attached.

Competition is not mandatory. You can choose the events you want to enter. Each one has prizes to be awarded, the number of prizes will be bases on how many entrants there are, with a minimum of 5.

We hope to see old and new friends at our first rendezvous of 2010.

A few words on the potluck supper. TFT provides the meat dish. Buckskinners are asked to bring a dish to share. I suggest that the math works this way. If 10 families or camps brings a dish to serve 8 people there is enough to feed 80 people. This is far too much for the usual number of people eating. If we all bring a dish that will serve 4 to 6 there will be enough to feed 40 to 60. So don't think your individual contributions have to be large, nor do they have to be "home made". We always have a few first timers or guests that are invited to eat with us. Nobody will starve, but participation is requested.

Early camp setup will start about noon on Thursday. Compete on Friday and avoid what we hope will be a crowd.

We really need to grow in attendance in order to continue quality rendezvous.

2010 mandatory dues for the White Smoke Company of Buckskinners are due. Most of you know that the Fritztown Free Trappers' two annual rendezvous, the Texas Free Trappers' two annual rendezvous and the monthly black powder matches of the White Smoke Brigade are covered by the dues.

I hope I haven't left out anything important. Call or email me any time.

Watch yer back trail.....

Grey Wolf
