Per Sylvas - "By Way of the Woods"

The Online Journal of

Tuesday, August 04, 2009



When I say “Rendezvous News”, I mean to say there is a LOT of new stuff going on!!!

The first news announcement you may know about by now. The White Smoke Brigade, Texas Free Trappers, and the Fritztown Free Trappers have all combined to form the WHITE SMOKE COMPANY OF BUCKSKINNERS, INC. We are now a non-profit organization. We did this in order to be able to get liability insurance for our events. You will also notice that we have our very own club email address!

The second big news concerns the dates for our rendezvous. If you are a Fritztown Free Trapper, listen up! ALL rendezvous’ will be on the SECOND weekend of the month. This means the October event will be on the 9th-10th-11th. If you have to schedule vacation time way in advance, keep this in mind. Fritztown rendezvous’ will be the 2nd weekend of March and October. Texas Free Trapper rendezvous’ will be the 2nd weekend of April and November.

Also, the October rendezvous will be held at La Vernia - NOT in Fredericksburg on the Sagebiel property. We spoke to David Sagebiel (Big Chief) after the March event and decided that since he has not been able to burn any of the cedar (and he has cut down more) that it would be best to move the rendezvous to another location. The good news is Big Chief has taken the property off the market so we can continue to use it in the future...........if Central Texas EVER gets any rain!!!

If you have never been to the La Vernia site, shame on you.....but you will have the opportunity to check it out on Saturday - August 29th!! That’s when we have scheduled our “Work Day”....... and yes, we realize it will be hotter n hell at the end of August, but that is when it has to be so at this point Justeve and I are down on our knees BEGGING for volunteers to come out and help us get the property ready for rendezvous! IronBurner has been busy this summer building another hooter (Taj Mah Stal) that will need to be assembled on site. Grey Wolf needs help setting up a new shooting line, including moving targets. Justeve will be setting up new hawk and knife blocks, and the Archery walk. If you have one, bring a leaf rake, loppers for cutting small branches, and gloves. A weedeater might also be nice to have on site.

We will meet on site at 9:00 a.m. and if enough wonderful volunteers show up, we can get through with everything and then relax with a cold one! If you can help, but have never been to the La Vernia site, send an email to this address and we will email you a map. We need your help to make this rendezvous possible.

I will be sending out info about the October rendezvous right after Labor Day, but you can volunteer now to help run an event!

Hope to see a bunch of you on Saturday, August 29th!

- Kathy (Hummingbird) Boyd

For more information, contact Hummingbird at

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