Per Sylvas - "By Way of the Woods"

The Online Journal of

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Stolen BP Guns - Ennis, TX

I received this from Liz and Ken of Ennis, TX. Keep your eyes open!
Our home was robbed Thursday, May 22 and they took all our guns, including black powder ones. While some of them are common, a couple are pretty rare. Those of you in the North Texas area will notice that Canton trade days is coming up next weekend. Here's the black powder stuff they took, damn their hearts and curse their souls.

Navy Arms 12-gauge double barrel shotgun, black powder

Thompson Center Firearms Co.
.45 cal Cherokee rifle
.45 cal Seneca rifle
.45 cal Patriot pistol
.50 cal Hawkins rifle
.52 cal Renegade with Leopold scope
.58 cal Renegade with Green Mountain barrel

Ken and Liz Moucka Krajca
