Per Sylvas - "By Way of the Woods"

The Online Journal of

Monday, February 04, 2008

Report from TAB Deep Winter

Things went well, despite the fairly wet and cold beginning. Cuz, Robert, Yip, Bobby, Blackpowder Jim, and Og were out there Thursday night. I had just gotten my Mother out of the hospital that day after 48 hours with her in there and was pooped so I stayed home and rested after work, went out on Friday. Mom is doing ok, just had a touch of flu or something and they wanted to make sure it didn't turn into pneumonia at her age (93).

So I made sure she was all right Friday and came on out Friday night. Had a small turnout, maybe 20 folks, but it was kinda neat as they all used Companeros dining fly as party central. :-) We cooked over one fire mostly, had shooting events and such on Saturday with 9 men & one woman (new to 'voos) competing, plus one kid - Abby (age 4). So we did a pie plate toss for Abby and gave her a nice prize too. :-) It faired off Saturday afternoon and was warm Sunday. Blue Cheek, Debbie Fowlkes, and the blond gal (dang I forgot her name!) were mostly the only women who camped. Whorehouse Ken Krueger and his wife came in for the day Saturday, so did Kristin the new gal from Pennsylvania. Yip and Bobby had happy hour at tea time, and even that small number emptied Cuz's water barrel filled with margaritas! of course Og was there and Rick Quinn, camp dogs deluxe, so the rest of us didn't have to drink much to accomplish floating the keg! LOL

Jack Booth came out for the day Saturday and brought his daughter and her baby. Little girl is 8 months old now, cute as a button, half as big as her mama already! Of course her mama is a little bitty thing like Kildee Jack. Big John came in the same time I did and gave me and my gear a ride from the parking lot into camp Friday night in his 4-wheel drive truck, roads in were muddy after the parking lot. Big John held that baby girl for I bet two hours and they both had a ball. He is a sweetheart.

Blackpowder Jim has a new Blue Heeler puppy named Dawg. 8 weeks old and cute as a button too. Sweet little pup, got spoiled rotten with all the camp leftovers he was getting from every hand in camp! So he gor an addition to his name - his last name is Dawg, but his first name is "Camp"! LOL. Told Jim he was gonna shit like a pet coon on the way home with all that rich human food !

Re: spring TAB 'voo - John Billington is talking about booshwaying it with Cuz's help, and having it up in Lampasas at a site they had it at before, quite a few years ago, down on Sulphur Creek just east of town (Update - The spring TAB will be April 11-13 in Centerville at MickeyDave's and Judy's place).

But wherever it is, we are looking forward to meeting young Miss Genevieve and passing her around like a football and spoiling her too.

I didn't take any pics, but Debbie did and I will see if I can get some posted to the TAB site.

I made some commercial braintan leggings with horsehair drops, and a black flannel breechcloth with red trim for Gene Nagelmueller lately, as a trade for him doing the formica in my new house. Was gonna give them to him there, but he got sick as a dog and he and his wife couldn't come to the 'voo. Bummer.

By Patsy "Magpie" Harper



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