Per Sylvas - "By Way of the Woods"

The Online Journal of

Thursday, September 06, 2007

White Smoke Brigade - Match 39


Make a wish for cooler weather to continue and no rain for next Saturday's match...........

We will probably have some guests at the match, parents and maybe some of the Scouts that will be attending the mini-rendezvous that our other group, the Texas Free Trappers, is putting together for Scout Troop 450 from San Antonio. It will take place on the first weekend in October, a week before Match 40.

You match shooters who are not buckskinners are invited to visit the mini-rendezvous to get an idea of what we do at full-fledged rendezvous. We will be demonstrating knife and tomahawk throwing, archery, making a leather belt pouch, doing firestarting without matches and shooting percussion and flintlock rifles, smoothbores and pistols. The boys will be doing tomahawk throwing, archery, making leatherwork and firestarting. They will do some shooting, under strict supervision, if they are allowed to.

The boys, leaders and parents will set up their camps Friday evening. Some of the buckskinners will do the same. We will get acquainted and talk about the weekend's events when setup is done. Each group will cook their own suppers, but together.

Saturday morning we will have the learning activities I listed.

Saturday afternoon we 'skinners will be cooking the equivalent of buffalo "hump ribs", the mountain man's favorite meat (except for buffalo tongue), a pot of pinto beans and roasting some corn. The boys will be asked to cook cobblers in their Dutch ovens.

After supper we will have a "council fire" with some painless history from storytelling.

Sunday morning we will probably have competitions for the boys in tomahawk throwing, archery and fire starting.

Sunday afternoon we will break camp. We can talk more about the event on Saturday........

From - Joe aka Grey Wolf

Contact Grey Wolf for more details at



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