Per Sylvas - "By Way of the Woods"

The Online Journal of

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Open Call for Club/Group Information!

I am going to add a new section to the about some of the different buckskinning groups we belong to.

I’d like to get a paragraph or two from someone involved in each group with general information about the group, their philosophy, events, and contact information for folks who are interested in learning more. This can be an email or phone number. I know some of these are ‘invite-only’ groups and in that instance I can just use a website.

The content doesn’t have to be really polished – I can work with you to rewrite or edit and will have full approval from each group prior to going on the site. I am not going to include any negative information and the content should be seen as a way to get new or younger folks into the hobby and not “this group is no good and mine is good,” “my dad can beat-up your dad,” “this group wears a corset on their events,” etc. :)

Also, if there is a picture of the group, a few members, or a picture from an event – that would be great. If not, I can search around and grab something that would likely work.

Please feel free to forward this message onto other groups and pass on my email address.

Also, if you don’t want your group mentioned, that’s fine, too. Just let me know. I am building out some new content on the site and thought this would be a great way to expose folks to some of the different buckskinning/living history groups that operate in our area.

I hope all is well with everyone and look forward to seeing you in the Fall.

- Many Rifles


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